avara: push, push
AVARA: Exclamation for removing a vessel from a certain point.
KNOT: Nautical knot.
APIKO: Vertical, the chain of agyVIRA: Trava, sikose.ras is apico / vertical.
APOPLOUS: The departure of a ship from the port.
ARIVARO: I sail, I arrive.
VERINA: A twist of rope or chain
GIALONO: I am approaching land
BIRTH: The angle that the direction of a point makes with the direction of north.
LENGTH: The length of the chain and the
of rope when present from the boat to the anchor
OUTSIDE: The parts of the vessel that are above the surface of the sea
ISALOS: The part of the boat that
is at the same level as the surface of the Sea
CABLE: A thick ship's rope. Cape
BRIDGE: Great firm call of the boat.
XANEMIA: A place where the wind doesn't catch it.
MASK: Any of the side ropes used to support the mast on the ship.
MASK: Any of the side ropes used to support the mast on the ship.
SIDEWALK: Sailing with the wind on the side of the boat.
BEAR AWAY; I steer the boat away from the wind's course
RADA: Anchorage in an open place
SOFRANO: The side from which the wind blows.
FERMA: Stretch
REFRESHING: Worsening wind or swell