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How to have better control of the boat

Tips that will help even the experienced


An experienced sailor must be able to use the wind and currents so that he can safely sail, turn in a narrow place, and also tie up the boat. Using engine power alone is not always the safest way to deal with the weather and can sometimes lead to undesired results such as damage to the boat or injury to someone.

Steering wheel control 
Oversteers and then overcorrections are common problems. We need to check if the steering wheel is straight or turned and in which direction it is turned

We must know that handling a car is very different from handling a boat for many reasons. First of all with the boat there is the inertia of the water, so movements at the steering wheel have no direct effect on the boat. Also, cars steer from the front, while boats steer from the stern. Boats spin while cars don't. The most important thing is when turning backwards boats need room on the outside of the turn, while cars need space on the inside, because the rudder turns on the stern and directs the thrust in a way that drives the stern in the opposite direction._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Effects of wind and currents at low speeds

Wind when heading at low speed deflects the bow of the boat from its course, while currents deflect the stern of the boat. The other forces that affect the boat are the movement of the propeller and the wakes that are created. When we put forward the movement of the propeller and the drafts work together. Whereas when we put in hold the thrust from the water stops, but the course of the boat in the water allows the rudder or rudder to continue to work, whenever there is some control of the rudder because the flow of water in the hull continues. The same happens when we put in reverse. This is why the timing of the movements is very important when we try to turn and change gears at the same time. If you change gears too quickly or turn the wheel too slowly, you may lose control. As long as there is flow in the hull it is controlled either with or without the propeller. If this power starts to be lost then the boat is a ballast of wind and currents, so you have to rig and unblock in order to fully control the boat. 

The movement of the propeller

The direction the propellers turn can affect the movement of the boat. In other words, we need to know where the boat is "pulling" from. The movement of the propellers or the rudder gives the boat a movement either to the right or to the left and is called prop walk. This movement is more noticeable when we put in reverse, it is important to know it and we must use it to tie the boat better.

The most important thing is to avoid sudden movements, not to make sudden and fast movements and to return the steering wheel to its position with small corrective movements.

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